2013的挑战 =)1/2 tsp Filling + 4g 的外皮 =)
这个黄梨饼我是越做越爽~~~做到疯了~ ~ ~ 连老公,妈妈,姐姐,妹妹,朋友 。。。吃过的都大赞好吃 =))材料不难,就只在现成黄梨膏里加入了黄梨汁,让他更湿润避免烘烤后馅料过干,再加入少许柠檬汁来减低甜度。。。是不是很简单?? 以下是经过调整适合我自己口味的黄梨饼食谱 。这是去年写下的食谱,懒惰做翻译copy and paste 最方便了,请大家见谅阿。。

Bake King Pineapple paste - 500g + 60g Lee Pineapple juice + 1 tsp fresh lemon juice .
Mix every things together and roll it into 1Tsp ball size .Normally , I will prepare this at night then bake it on next morning =)
Bake King 黄梨现成包装料500g + 60g Lee 罐装黄梨水+ 1Tsp 柠檬汁。全部搅拌均匀后,1 tsp 1粒的分量,用保鲜纸包好待用。我通常会早一个晚上做好,隔天早上在包。
Rich Tart Pastry -
320g Top flour ** 底筋面粉
60g Milk Powder 奶粉
30g Icing sugar 糖霜
227g SCS salted butter , cold , cube . 切小块,放回冰箱保持冷温度。
30g egg yolk 蛋黄
1 Tbsp Ice water ** 冰水
** for those who want melt into the mouth pastry , reduce flour 20g and omit the ice water entirely. **
要溶在口里的饼干外皮- 减少20g面粉,和去除冰水不要放。
Method :
1) Whisk top flour , milk powder , icing sugar together untill very mix well .
2) Rub in the cold butter cubes with your finger tips untill the mixture resembles breadcrumb .
把冷牛油从冰箱里拿出来,放入面粉里用手指尖慢慢摩擦于面粉和牛油之间,直到全部的面粉看起来像颗粒状态。不明白这步骤的朋友可以看看如何用指尖摩擦面粉与冷牛油。How to rub cold butter into flour
3) Mix the yolk with Ice water together. Add this to the flour and butter mixture and gently with a spatula untill the dough comes together . 把蛋黄和冷水搅拌在一起,然后全部加入面粉颗粒里。用叉子或塑料刮刀把面粉搅为一团。
4) Knead very briefly , wrap in clingwrap and chill for 15-30mins .. 稍微用手均匀的揉一揉面团,适可而止,以防面团因为手掌的温度而出油。包好收入冰箱15-30mins .
5 ) Preheat oven 200'C . Portion pastry dough into 8-9g each , flatten dough and wrap in 1 Tsp of pineapple paste . brush the pastry ball with egg and bake for 13-16mins .预热烤箱200度,把面团均匀分出每粒8-9g。之后把小面团压扁包入一粒黄梨馅料收口,滚圆。放在烤盘上。。烘烤之前在涂抹蛋液。烘烤13-16分钟即可。。。
** 温度,时间只供参考。。。
Alvina ,谢谢你的分享^^ 我刚刚买了黄梨馅回来~可以试做这个了~~
ReplyDeleteKs Chay , 很好吃。。你一定要做做看。。=)
ReplyDelete很感谢Alvina 慷慨分享她的鳳梨酥食譜
ReplyDeleteHi, I got to know this recipe thru 苏联妈妈's blog and I will love to bookmark your recipe for my subsequent pineapple tart bakes. Thanks for your precise instruction.
ReplyDeleteI will try it tomorrow! thanks for your recipe.
ReplyDeletehello~ Top Flour is 高筋面粉~ thank you for sharing the recipe =)
ReplyDeleteHai, 可以用其他牌子的罐装黄梨水吗?
ReplyDeleteHi 你好,感谢你分享了这食谱这口感很好吃,我很喜欢。。。
ReplyDeleteHi 你好,感谢你分享了这食谱这口感很好吃,我很喜欢。。。