爆浆Custard Cream Puff ~
31/12/2012 最后之作 ,
因为朋友要求分享食谱才发现忘了Share 。。。><
来来来。。。现在补上阿 ~
Custard Filling
80g sugar 白糖
450g fresh milk 鲜奶
2 Tbsp plain flour 面粉 ( 或者 Or 1tbsp plain flour 面粉+ 1tbsp Corn flour玉米粉 )
4 egg yolks 蛋黄
1 tsp Vanilla Essence香草香精
2 Tbsp melted butter 溶化牛油
200g Whipped cream 打发鲜奶油 ( optional )
Snow Powder (Optional )
Method :
1) 把牛奶和白糖放进小锅里,小火温热牛奶并把糖煮溶。待凉。
3)把搅拌均匀的1和2 倒回锅里,并以中小火慢慢不停的搅拌至浓稠为止,最后加入牛油拌均即可。
4)倒出煮好的Custard Filling 并用保鲜纸贴盖在filling的表面以防结成硬皮。待凉冷藏。
5)把冷藏好的Custard filling 和打发好的鲜奶油混合,并挤入Puff里,撒上Snow Powder 收入冰箱待冷了再食用。
* 步骤4 的Custard Filling 冷藏后,可以直接包入Puff中非常的好吃=)
Puff Choux
grams all purpose flour 面粉
tsp granulated white sugar 白糖
1/4 tsp
salt 盐
grams unsalted butter, cut into
pieces 无盐奶油,切小块
120 ml water 水
large eggs,
lightly beaten 大颗鸡蛋,打散 ( 留一部分起来扫面用
1)Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200
degrees C) and place rack in center of oven. Line a baking sheet with parchment
paper or lightly butter the pan .
2)In a bowl sift or whisk together
the flour, sugar and salt.
3)Place the butter and water in a
heavy saucepan over medium high heat and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and,
with a wooden spoon, add the flour mixture, all at once, and stir until
combined. Return saucepan to the heat and stir constantly until the dough comes
away from the sides of the pan and forms a thick smooth ball (about 1-2
4)Transfer the dough to your electric
mixer, or use a hand mixer, and beat on low speed to release the steam from the
dough (about a minute). Once the dough is lukewarm start adding the lightly
beaten eggs (dough will separate and then come together) and continue to mix
until you have a smooth thick paste (dough will fall from a spoon in a thick
:Joy Of Baking Puff Choux Video
5)Spoon or pipe 12 small mounds of
dough onto the baking sheet, spacing about 2 inches (5 cm) apart. With a pastry
brush, gently brush the tops of the dough with a lightly beaten egg.
Bake for 15 minutes and then reduce
the oven temperature to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C). Continue to bake for a
further 30 to 35 minutes or until the shells are a nice amber color and when
split, are almost dry inside. Turn the oven off, poke a couple of holes in each
puff and, with the oven door slightly ajar, let the shells completely cool (and
dry out).
,面糊与面糊之间请保留2寸的距离,确保足够的位置让面糊发大 。然后轻巧的用扫子在面糊表面上扫上鸡蛋液 。
表面呈现漂亮的金黄琥珀色,当Puff开始列开时这说明里面的组织已经接近快干了 。=)关掉烤箱电源,把Puff
取出并在泡芙两侧割两小刀,之后把泡芙放回烤盘并全盘放回烤箱~ 烤箱门略开,就这样让泡芙在烤箱余温里继续烤干泡芙,待凉了再取出放上你喜欢的Cream /
Custard Filling 。

美味 ~
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