Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Earl Grey , Lemon & Cranberries Shortbread 爵士茶,柠檬与蔓越梅酥饼~



于是今天早上在网络上东挑西选的选了这款爵士茶口味酥饼做年饼。其实一直以来我都是Earl Grey tea 的支持者=)喜欢那香香的茶味,我还曾经把爵士茶包放进枕头里就连睡觉也闻着。。很有Aroma的效果哦~~

原来的食谱是没有蔓越梅干的,但是为了让这爵士酥饼增添“ 贵气和视觉 ”效果。。就决定加了40g的Cranberries有点红红的也比较美,毕竟我要把他当年饼嘛=)
制作过程不难,但是烘烤出来的酥饼好香 ~ 吃第一口就好喜欢这酥饼好特别哦~ 淡淡的茶香,带有柠檬的香气。。还有健康的蔓越梅干果 ~ 色香味都俱全了 ,我给85分!为什么不是100分呢?被扣分了~ ~那是因为一时忘了注意烤箱温度,导致一小部分的颜色偏深了一点=)但是没关系还是一样香香的 ~ 就连家里的大老板和小老板都坐一起抱着饼盒你一块,我一块的吃不停。。我看见这样的画面不知道是开心还是难过?毕竟这是我的农历新年年饼阿~

其实,一定会有人觉得奇怪,Shortbread 到底是什麼?短面包 ??不是拉 ~~ 如果要翻译的话,最贴切的名称可以称为:奶油酥餅,因為它的成份大半是奶油 (奶油@@ ~ 肥阿 ~ )。


Shortbread is a type of biscuit (cookie) which is traditionally
made from one part white sugar, two parts butter,
and three parts plain white flour.

Why named "shortbread"?
Shortbread is so named because of its crumbly texture
. The cause of this texture is its high fat content, provided by the butter.

Earl Grey, Lemon & Cranberries Shortbread recipe :

                                                              Ready to Bake ~


185g top flour 低筋面粉
1/2 tsp Baking Powder 发粉
1.5g Salt 盐
75g Icing sugar 糖霜 
2 Earl grey tea bag ( grind into fine powder ) 爵士茶袋,磨成细粉。 

100g SCS Unsalted Butter ( Cold , cube ) 冷牛油,切小块。

1 whole Lemon Zest 一整粒磨碎,细幼的柠檬皮
1/2 tsp Vanilla extract 香草精华
1/2 egg 蛋液
40g Cranberries cut small 蔓越梅切碎

Method 做法 :
把A搅拌均匀,然后加入B 用手指摩擦牛油和干材料直至均匀颗粒状 (不明白的请看Video:How to rubbing butter into flour 如何用手指磨擦牛由与面粉,再来加入C均匀搅拌就可以做出你喜欢的酥饼造型了 ! 180'C 烤14-17分钟 ~

Mixing well A ingredients , then rub in B cold butter by your finger tip until well combine like bread crumb look , after that add in C to firm into dough , you can shape dough as you like . bake 180'C 14-17mins ~


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